David Smith's Poetry Corner

E-mail - david@anvil.free-online.co.uk

David`s Corner - Poem - Poetry List



I know that it is not at all nice,
I don't have to look at this monstrous substance twice.

It smells like sweaty, mouldy old socks,
It couldn't win the old show Opportunity Knocks.

I know I'm right, there's no room for debate.
Other than Cheese is horrible what else should I state?

Surely it can not be just my opinion or view,
It's so clear to me; you must be able to see it too?

It's a fact that this stuff is negative and no good,
No one should disagree, it's as clear as mud.

Does my opinion make it so or is there more to this issue than meets my eye,
I look at other things the same way no matter how hard I try.

Fashion and friends are either in or out,
I can't be with you, my rules you flout.

Who decides what counts as good?
Someone else not me that is understood.

If I banished Cheese to some other worldly realm,
The finality of this decision would me overwhelm.

What if the subject was not as straightforward as good old Cheese?
Perhaps the ability to see both sides would not come with such ease.

What about politics, religion and race,
I couldn't banish them without a trace.

What about crime, prejudice, justice or revenge.
The answers are not as solid as the redoubtable Stonehenge.

I need to look again at how my opinions take shape,
After all life is not a game, holes begin to gape.

Not all Cheeses, religions or races are the same,
Life's more complicated than a simple game.



This page was created on Mon, 25 Jun 2001 10:07:08 GMT

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